Sunday, October 18, 2009

First post!

Hi. You can refer to me as "awesome" from now. First thing's first though. I always give credit where it's warranted, so to start off I'm giving kudos to my roomie for showing me this business. Actually getting this setup was quite interesting, considering how much time we actually spent trying to figure out what the fruity pebbles I was going to call the website. (Actually, it took all of less than five minutes to be honest.)

So what am I going to talk about in this? The simple question has an even simpler answer (because you need it, dumbass): bullshit. Really. Whatever I decide to put up here is what you'll be able to engross yourself in (this is assuming that anything I say is even remotely interesting to you whatsoever, which it probably isn't, but I don't care [as you can tell]).

Don't expect any of it to make sense, but hope that it ends up being relatively amusing, because if it's not, you're wasting about as much time as you'd be wasting by watching people try to cross the road at this campus (do try this sometime, some people really do suck at crossing the street.)

I don't have anything particular to discuss, and no, I refuse to talk about last night's tragic fiasco considering I was standing right there and that was enough of it for me.

So instead, I'm going to do shoutouts! I'll probably do this in all of these, because I feel like it. Shoutouts are going to go out to people I care about, or just generally matter enough to warrant a spot on this soon-to-be-prestigous-and-awesome-internet-bitchfest. Shoutouts on my first EVER blog go out to....:

1) King Kong Quisha: Ok, if you don't know who this is, you're probably wondering, "Who the FUCK is that? And why the fuck is she named half after a behemoth primate and that girl I may have known from my ghetto high school?" She's my best friend, bitch. Oh, and she's awesome. Therefore, she gets the first shoutout.

2) Bawsss: "Chris, again with the ridiculous names of people no one knows." Bitch please, you KNOW just may not realize it yet. If you do, kudos to you because you know a cool motherfucking dude. He's another bestie, and well deserving of the title in the fullest.

3) Juan: Because he's fucking awesome.

4) [Tigress]: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say her name in the Interbutts, therefore she shall be known as Tigress until I get told it's cool to say her name where everyone can see it (because everyone WILL read this...bitch) or I get a better nickname, which I'm fervently searching for. She gets a shoutout because this is someone I have been getting to know and she's quite nice....and undeniable pretty. Shut up, she's attractive so I won't be a pussy and refrain from saying it.

5) Roomie: Yeah, he already got kudos, but I don't care, because typing nonsense you don't care about for the past ten minutes has been quite fun. Hopefully I'll make money off this like he does.

6) My sister: This blog would last a REALLY long time if I had to describe why she gets a shoutout. Maybe for another day.

7) My dog: I love her oh so much, and I hope I get to see her again ASAP. I owe my life to her.

8) [Someone I knew in high school who is still there]: I don't know if he's comfortable with his name showing up online, but he deserves a shoutout because he's the guy that introduced me to ballroom dancing a year ago, an activity that I still devote quite a bit of my time to.

9) [My dance partners]: Koko Bear! And the other two for whom which I don't have names for yet, but will in time!

Ok, I'm seriously going to stop now; this is getting really long...and I have a Patho midterm in less than 12 hours.

1 comment:

  1. very clever. I love the bit about me! And the crosswalk bit, I loled so loud. You laughed too when i did.
